How to Get Rid of Dark Circles and Baggy Eyes

Anyone with any amount of stress in their life has fallen victim to eye bags and dark circles. It is a normal part of life and nothing to be embarrassed about. Cosmetic companies have come out with amazing and effective foundations, powders, and concealers for correcting and covering this trouble area. Cosmetic primers are also a great product to use in the fight against dark circles. Color-correcting primers with a yellow tint can neutralize dark, bluish under-eye circles, and because the primer is so sheer, it's easy to blend. But what about those looking for a more permanent solution? Below are ways to minimize the appearance of those circles that won't cost you an arm and a leg.
When used regularly retinol can stimulate the production of collagen, which will make the skin less thin and improve the appearance of dark circles. Retinoids are available in both drugstores and department stores at various price points and formulations. “Retinoids help rebuild dermal collagen and thereby contribute to vascular support in the area and the recovery of skin volume and firmness," adds Patricia Ceballos, a dermatologist in New Rochelle.
The cheapest and one of the most effective ways to reduce the appearance of undereye bags is to get on a regular sleep routine of seven to eight hours per day. Avoid heavy meals and don't drink alcohol a few hours before bedtime. Shut down your phone and get black out curtains if need be.
If you struggle to cover the dark, puffy bags under your eyes every morning, try sleeping on your back with an extra pillow so that fluid does not build up overnight. Keeping your pillow protected from allergens like dust and dust mites with a protective case can also help if allergies are the culprit.
As a side note: if allergies are the culprit, try taking an antihistamine as well. Most people who have darkness under the eyes due to allergies don't realize it. An antihistamine helps to clear that up!
Joshua Zeichner, the director of cosmetic and clinical research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City advises that you should “consider your under-eyes as sensitive skin even if you may not necessarily have sensitive skin. Under-eye skin is among the thinnest on the body, so any trauma or irritation can cause skin inflammation. If you are using a towelette, try one that is fragrance-free, and take gentle strokes in a single direction rather than rubbing back and forth."
#Lifehack -- caffeinated tea, which contains natural tannins, is a mild diuretic and long used by everyone from grandmothers to runway models for reducing eye puffiness. Soak two tea bags in warm water, then chill the bags for a few minutes in the refrigerator. Place one tea bag on each eye for five minutes, and your eyes will feel fresh and look brighter.
First things first, if you want to banish your under eye bags you have to cut back on salt. Sodium can cause you to retain water. Typically we associate this with bloating but it can also cause puffiness under your eyes. Ridding your diet of excess sodium can help combat bags under your eyes.
Staying hydrated has a number of positive health benefits, one of which is getting rid of bags under your eyes. When the body is dehydrated, it responds by retaining as much water as it can (similar to what happens when you consume too much sodium like we discussed above) causing puffiness and under-eye bags. To avoid this, it is best to ensure that you are always staying hydrated. If you are unsure about how much water you should drink, try the 8 by 8 rule: Drink eight ounces of water eight times a day. That adds up to a half gallon, which is the recommended amount of water to consume daily. If you're drinking a half gallon of water a day but still feeling dehydrated, take a look at your alcohol consumption. Alcohol acts as a diuretic in the body, causing you to lose not only fluid but also electrolytes. If you're suffering from chronic eye bags, reducing your alcohol consumption might prove helpful.
Now that we’ve talked about liquids, let’s move on to solid foods. Eating food rich in vitamin C helps your body produce collagen, a protein that keeps your skin—including the delicate skin under your eyes—healthy, hydrated and dark circle-free. You can also take vitamin C as a supplement, as well as amino acids and copper. All three of these will help you produce more collagen and keep under-eye circles at bay. Here are some foods you can start eating that are high in Vitamin C; yellow, red and green bell peppers, guava, kale, strawberries, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, oranges, grapefruit, lemon, clementines, pummelos, tomatoes, peas, papaya, pineapple, mango, melon.
Don’t despair, there are ways to improve the appearance of your under eye area and present a fresh face to the world!