How to Minimize Facial Scarring

Scars often conjure up both good and bad memories. If you have a scar on your face, there’s a chance that you wake up each morning dreading looking in the mirror. Or it might not bother you at all. For those of you in the former category, this article is for you. What if it were possible to cover that scar simply and effectively? What if you could mostly eradicate the scar altogether?
Keep reading if you’d like to try.
NewGel+ offers a medical grade solution to your facial scarring with the use of silicone gel and sheeting. Before we discuss all of the products NewGel+ has to offer, let’s examine the nature of scars. Why do we have scars? What causes them? And why are they more difficult to conceal when they are on the face?
First off, not all wounds scar. Why? The depth and direction of a cut has a lot to do with how noticeable a scar appears. Additionally, different regions of the body are more likely to scar than others. If a wound is severe enough to require stitches, it will most likely cause a scar. However, different closure techniques as well as the amount of time the sutures stay in will affect the severity of the resulting scar. Some people, such as those who are young or have darker skin tone, can be more prone to scarring than others. Also, as was discussed in an earlier blog, hydration has a major effect on scarring as well. If you keep your wound well hydrated during the healing process, that should help keep scarring to a minimum.
Hypothetically, let's say you ended up with a cut or surgical scar on your face and didn't take proper care of it. What could you do to minimize the resulting scar? You’d have a number of choices. Read on to find out the ways in which you can minimize the appearance of your facial scar.
Many choose to cover scars by concealing them with makeup. If you choose this simple route, you will want to make sure you are using a full coverage full coverage foundation. Not all foundations are created equal. For example, many look heavy in the bottle but are actually sheer. You also want to make sure the foundation won’t leave your skin looking shiny or dewy, as these formulas can actually make the scar more visible. If you do choose to use makeup to cover a scar, apply primer first. It will even out the skin tone and allow the foundation to last longer. You may also want to use concealer to minimize the appearance of any indentations or raised areas on your skin. It is best to apply the foundation with a foundation brush for the most even coverage. If you like, dust your face with a bit of powder to make sure the makeup stays in place throughout the day. Depending on the severity of your scar, makeup will reduce its appearance. However, while makeup can definitely help cover up any skin imperfection you may have, its power to conceal only goes so far.
You can ensure that your scar does not get any more noticeable by applying sunscreen every day. Any scars exposed to the sun, especially those on your face, should be protected with sunscreen. The damaging effect of UV rays can cause a scar to become discolored and hyperpigmented. This hyperpigmentation can be permanent, and will most definitely make the scar more obvious.
If you want a product that won't simply cover the scar but will actually treat it and reduce it, try a silicone gel. Topical, self-drying silicone gel is a common form of treatment that has appeared in many clinical studies. In one study, 30 patients with scars of different types (including superficial scars, hypertrophic scars and keloids) had satisfactory results using silicone gel to lighten and decrease scars. Silicone gel contains long chain silicone polymer, silicone dioxide and volatile components and has been reported to reduce texture by 86%, reduce color by 84% and reduce height of a scar by 68%. Silicone gel reduces and fades your scar in several ways:
- Increases hydration
- Protects the scar from bacterial invasion
- Helps to break down excess collagen
- Reduces itching and discomfort
Silicone gel is easy to apply and mild enough for sensitive skin. NewGel+ now offers multiple silicone gel products specifically formulated for facial scars. These heal as well as protect your scar. For scars 3 inches across or less, NewGel+E Advanced Silicone Gel is a great option. A soft, silky gel that dries quickly, the gel takes minutes to apply and has no tacky or sticky residue. This gel is perfect for areas of the body that are visible and have frequent motion, such as your face, hands and neck.
While many products have been suggested for the treatment of scarring, only a few have actually had studies done to prove their validity and efficacy. If you have facial scarring and want to take charge of your appearance, consider either covering up, sunscreen prevention, or silicone gel application. Although one merely covers the scar while the other prevents it from getting worse, the last option actually treats the scarring to help minimize it.