Top Cosmetic Procedures for Men

Cosmetic procedures are more popular than ever amongst men of all ages. Whether they are looking to be more successful in their careers, or just hoping to gain a boost in confidence, men are beginning to take more pride in their appearance. Here are some of the most frequent procedures that men are requesting from their dermatologists.
Did you know that jawline procedures are among the most popular for men? This is due to a theory that men with strong, square jawlines have better success in business. A recent study looked at CEOs from the top 50 Fortune 500 companies and found that 90% of these top executives had “non-receding to prominent chins, a trait found in less than half of the United States population.” There are a few different treatments that are very effective for men who are looking to have a more defined jawline and chin area. The two procedures that are going to be the most impactful for the lower face area are CoolSculpting and Ultherapy. CoolSculpting works by freezing stubborn fat cells that can’t be eliminated through diet and exercise alone. Besides being a great way to address excess body fat, this treatment was recently approved by the FDA as a way to eliminate double chins to reveal a more sculpted jawline. Ultherapy uses ultrasound energy to stimulate collagen production in the skin. This procedure is excellent for tightening and firming skin around the chin area, giving men a more prominent and masculine jawline. Kybella, a relatively new injectable product, may also help improve the jawline by melting the fat under the chin.
Hair loss is often at the top of most men’s list of concerns as they age. While male pattern baldness is often associated with middle aged men, one in four men will start to see a receding hairline before the age of 21. And by 35, two thirds of men will notice hair loss, and by age 50 – 85% of men will have thinning hair to some degree. Until recently, the only option for restoring hair was through a hair transplant, which requires surgery and a large amount of donor hair for the thinning areas. This procedure is costly, invasive, and has the potential of looking too “obvious.”
Thankfully, hair restoration procedures that are minimally-invasive and actually cause hair to grow back are gaining popularity. These procedures are far more preferable to transplants since they have little to no “downtime.” PRP Hair Restoration is a treatment that involves withdrawing a patient's own blood, processing it so that only an enriched portion (platelet-rich plasma) remains, and injecting it into the scalp. PRP contains essential proteins that stimulate natural hair growth. Other terms for this treatment include PRP hair regrowth treatment, and in the U.K., angel PRP hair regrowth and vampire hair regrowth plan. The treatment can also be combined with hair transplant surgery, microneedling, or medications such as Propecia and Minoxidil.
Even though women are said to prefer a man with a “dad bod”, a recent poll showed 46% of men say they want to lose weight. Diet and exercise are great places to start, but many men say they have stubborn areas of fat that won’t go away despite their best efforts. CoolSculpting (also mentioned above) is a fat reduction procedure that has become a celebrity staple for men in Hollywood. This procedure can take about an hour and involves no scars, recovery period, or discomfort. Patients see results in the weeks following the treatment, as the body naturally eliminates the fat cells that were frozen during the CoolSculpting procedure. If you are looking for more immediate results, you can try Precision Liposuction. This procedure involves using fine movements and tools to sculpt areas of the body with great precision. Like CoolSculpting, Precision Lipo is not painful and involves an easy, quick recovery. The most common areas where men look to reduce fat are the waist, stomach, back, and male breasts
Wrinkle fighting treatments are becoming much more popular amongst men with the number of men’s Botox procedures up 258% in the last decade and 84% in the last five years! With proper application by a skilled practitioner that obvious “had something done” look that men worry about will be eliminated. A “frozen face” look is the result of overdoing wrinkle-fighting treatments such as Botox and Dysport, or the work of a practitioner who is not injecting them correctly. Botox and Dysport both work by inhibiting muscle movement in key areas where the skin tends to wrinkle. The “crow’s feet” wrinkles on the side of the eyes from squinting and the “eleven” wrinkles between the eyes from frowning are very popular places to get Botox. By relaxing the skin in these areas, you are able to prevent these wrinkles from taking up permanent residence on your skin. These procedures typically take around 10-20 minutes, with results becoming visible a few days after receiving the procedure.