How Does Silicone Heal Scars?
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Did you know that silicone has been used for more than 30 years in the treatment of scars? In fac...

Will an Infection Make Your Scar Worse?
Scars are the end result of wound healing, a normal biological process in the human body. This pr...

How to Treat and Prevent Toddlers' Scars
As a child begins to move, crawl and walk, getting hurt is something that cannot be avoided. This...

How Does Age Affect the Scar Healing Process?
In a perfect world, wounds would always heal quickly, easily and without interruptions. However, ...

Do Wounds Heal Better When Exposed to Air?
Do you remember falling off the jungle gym as a kid and getting a nasty gash on your leg? Maybe i...

Can Working Out Improve the Look of Your Scar?
When you think about the healing process from an injury or sickness, you think of rest, relaxatio...

5 Things You Should Never Put on a Wound
When you get a cut or scrape, do you have a natural instinct to grab the bottle of peroxide and i...